Gone was LeBlanc's trademark dark foppish fringe, replaced by a greying head of salt-and-pepper hair. 雷布朗标志性的公子哥黑刘海一去而不返,取而代之的是一头变白的杂灰色。
The intensity distribution on a screen from dark to bright to dark again is called an interference fringe. 屏幕上的强度分布,从暗到亮再到暗,叫做一条干涉条纹。
Be based on measuring wire tiny diameter with laser diffraction, a method of hardware equidistance subdivision for dark string spans of diffraction fringe is presented. 在激光衍射法测量微细线径的基础上,提出用硬件插值细分的方法来确定衍射图样暗纹间距。
The distance between adjacent dark fringes of diffraction fringe of wire is determined at low and high temperature by CCD detector, the value of high temperature is measured by pyrophotometer, and the coefficient of linear expansion of wire is calculated. 利用CCD探测器分别测出常温和高温下金属丝衍射花样相邻暗纹的间距,用光学高温计测出加热时的温度值,从而求出线膨胀系数。